• Ed Lee still won't rule out the possibility that he'll run for mayor. (Because he kind of, maybe, sort of wants to run for mayor, probably). Bevan Dufty, who cast the swing vote to put Lee in Room 200, still thinks the Interim Mayor is a man of his word though. [Chron]

  • Board of Supes President David Chiu says new Muni Chief Ed Reiskin "rides the ride and walks the walk." [KTVU]

  • Meanwhile, Streetsblog scored an interview with Reiskin. Their verdict? "He gets it." Listen in. [Streetsblog]

  • The SFMTA wants to know what your kids think about Muni. "Why does is smell like pee?" is probably a pretty common answer here. [MuniDiaries]

  • Bison Watch 2011: Another Golden Gate Park bison, "Pretty Old Cow" (seriously, that was her name) had to be put down yesterday. Now only three of Dianne Feinstein's buffalo remain at the paddock. [BCN/Appeal]

  • San Francisco's Darkwave (read: Goth) Scene is still going strong. At the Cat Club, at least. [SFWeekly]

  • Broke people review large sandwiches: Giordano Bro's in North Beach (and coming soon to the former home of Ti Couz in the Mission). [BrokeAssStuart]