More details emerge this week as the U.S. Census Bureau releases another round of summary data from the 2010 Census, and guess what!? San Francisco has a lot of same-sex couples! Over 10,000 in fact, compared to 300 in Walnut Creek. We now have the first ever, nationally recognized, and close-to-accurate-as-we're-going-to-get data regarding gay marrieds around the nation, and the info is sure to be a boon for gay marriage advocates too as a picture emerges of just how many gay couples are raising children, in every state of the nation. Sadly, though, there's still no question about sexual orientation on the Census, so there won't be any accurate numbers regarding single gay people.

The couples data is trickling out state by state, and last week we found out that 27 percent of same-sex couples in Hawaii, for instance, are raising children, compared to 23 percent in Alabama. As the California data comes out, we get a really interesting picture of a state where a) there's been a 10% decline over the last ten years in the number of heterosexual married couples raising kids -- it's now at 23% -- and b) we're now a state where over a quarter of hetero married households are childless. Meanwhile, almost a quarter of same-sex couple households are raising kids!

There are about 34,000 same-sex couples in the Bay Area in total. Statewide, the cities with highest concentration of gay couples (the most per thousand households) are Palm Springs, and Guerneville.

Meanwhile, in New York State, where the gay marriage debate looms large this week, there are 42,000 same-sex couples raising 14,000 children.

If you want to nerd out over all the raw data, please do so here, at American Factfinder.