Maybe you're in a singing-and-dancing-in-the-rain kind of mood. That's nice for you. There's a shit-ton of it on its way tonight, so that should make you awesomely happy. Get out those rubbers, a hat you don't especially care about, and a jaunty umbrella that's sturdy enough to support a few leaping heel-claps, and have yourself a swell time. The rest of you, hunker down. Our little La Nina winter isn't through with us yet, and the rain this weekend is set to shatter former June rain records set in 1967 and 1884. Yes, people, it was fucking 1884 the last time we had 2.5 inches of rain in June, and the storm that's a'comin may bring a lot more than that. So buy yourself some bourbon, line up those DVDs you've been meaning to watch, and try not to get too stir crazy. Take a spin around the block in just a t-shirt, pretending it's an East Coast summer rain if you must. The world's weird weather isn't likely to let up, but we promise the sun will come back next week.