Normally we'd hold comment on Willie Brown's foodie thoughts until the end of the week, but today's Inside Scoop column, in which our crispy former Mayor goes in search of the Bay Area's best fried chicken, is just too good to pass up. Fried chicken is a dish rich with cultural history, as you know, so Willie tests the gourmet poulet at four local establishments: "Two that are African American owned and two that aren’t." Behold, his shocking conclusion:

I know this will come as a shock to some, but if it had been a blind tasting I would have not been able to distinguish the chicken from the African American establishments from the non African American owned establishments. These four places cook their chicken in such a way that the end product is not greasy — it’s crispy and dry, as it should be, on the outside and moist and very easy to navigate on the inside.

So there you have it: Fried chicken is colorblind. And also kind of sounds like a vagina.
