In election year news, the race for the District Attorney's office just got a tiny bit more interesting as Alameda County Prosecutor Sharmin Bock throws her hat in to the ring today. (We couldn't find any photos of her in hats, but we like to think it was a party-ready fedora.) According to a Bay City News report, the occasionally bespectacled Bock already has the support of Ladyrep Jackie Speier and an endorsement from the National Women's Political Caucus, so you know she's got the ladies on her side. In terms of the male vote: it probably doesn't hurt that she's quite the looker too.

Rounding out the current field of three candidates are: interim DA George Gascón who has kind of just been milking this appointment while he lets the FBI take over investigating the mess he left at SFPD. And former Police Commissioner/Criminal Justice expert David Onek who has come out strong against Gascón for repeated conflicts of interest. While on the Police Commission, Onek also pushed for the CompStat system that Gascón has been taking a lot of praise for.) Bock, who lives in the Richmond and makes the reverse commute to Alameda, is the only one of the three candidates with any actual experience as a prosecutor.

If we had to call this race right now based on which candidate had the best haircut, we'd go for Gascón's wispy spike-over, but Bock's working-gal layers would definitely get a second choice vote in this ranked-choice scenario. Onek, on the other hand, continues to rock the "I'm a young politician" look. Anyway, here she is again palling around with Temporary Mayor Ed Lee:



via Sharmin Bock's flickr stream