From SFIndieFashion comes the latest frustratingly-cute trend in hair enhancements: fur extensions. Unlike the previous trend of attaching feathers to one's horsey mane, which was bothersome because we couldn't decide whether it was attractive or obnoxious, the fur extensions come from actual dead animals. Adorable ones in fact, so they're bound to rile some people up. (We assume the feather extensions, on the other hand, are 100% naturally molted bird parts from only the most humanely treated creatures.)

While we here at SFist respect your right to wear whatever you damn well please in your hair, we do reserve the right to point out that it can often make the wearer resemble a startled raccoon. Besides, the vegans are way better at dishing out animal-style rage anyway. Vegansaur Laura Beck (who's on a roll today, apparently) didn't pull any punches in her response to the trend:

I especially love that the blogger calls it a, “pain-free process.” Really, bitch? Tell that to the chinchilla who was anally and vaginally electrocuted so you could wear tacky-ass cultural appropriation creepiness in your stringy hair.

It's almost enough to make us long for the simple days when adorning oneself with flowers would suffice. We're pretty sure those were vegan.
