Sadly, because we're crowd-phobic, we can't give you a first-person account of the Gaga's big enormous spectacle and gay love-in at Oracle Arena last night. But according to the East Bay Express: "It was pretty chill... PSYCH! It was fucking bananas. We're talking at least eight costume changes; fire, sparklers, smoke, and countless other pyrotechnics (literal and figurative); a small army of muscular, appropriately freaky-looking backup dancers — and an audience of 15,000 or so little monsters hanging on to every moment...

"Her stage banter, too, smacked of formula and indulgence — lots of heartfelt discussion of being bullied, believing in your dreams, etc. — but the audience, a gender-mixed crowd of surprisingly diverse ages, ate it up, and her earnestness was infectious. Beyond that, it was ninety minutes of pure, perfect pageantry." [East Bay Express]

... Also, she dropped in at Google yesterday. And possibly had a bite at American Grilled Cheese kitchen. Between that and her appearance last year at Rosamunde in the Mission, chowing on a sausage, she's really a girl after our own hearts.