After PG&E's new wireless-equipped SmartMeters became the target of protests from both the freedom-loving far right in the North Bay and the don't-harsh-on-my-brainwaves far left from West Marin, we thought there could be some major resistance to them here in the City. As it turns out, very few seem to actually care. From the Bay City News report on today's protests in the Marina:

About eight people gathered at about 10 a.m. around a truck from Wellington Energy Inc., the company that PG&E contracts to install the SmartMeters... the group retreated at about 10:30 a.m. to 101 Cervantes Blvd., where SmartMeters [were] scheduled to be installed by noon."

They even had clever signs like "Stop PG&E SmartMeters" and "Democracy of choice". We also might wonder how the neighbors at 101 Cervantes felt about the extra eight people hanging out in their yard while a technician installed the cancer-giving, freedom-eroding device on their home. Something tells us the protestors don't actually live in the neighborhood though. Those Marina types are either too hungover to notice what's going on or too busy seeking cute outfits for Mommy & Me Yoga classes. (Depending on your perception of the Marina, that is.)
