Because we can't let a children-ingesting-drugs story go untouched, we bring you word of another of a near epidemic of incidents of grade-school kids finding a tasty dessert treat, eating it, and falling out like amateurs at High Sierra.

The latest incident occurred in Vallejo, where four fifth graders experienced "flu-like" symptoms after sharing what they thought was an innocent chocolate-chip cookie. They were released by evening after experiencing what the AP reports as "nausea" (which isn't technically a symptom of influenza). The cookie was one of two allegedly given to one of the students at a convenience store while on his way to school yesterday morning. A teacher figured out what was up with the four extremely high children when she read the label on the second, uneaten cookie.

We have several questions: First, what kind of convenience store parts with pot cookies for free? Second, if the kids really were so innocent as to think these cookies were just regular cookies, why would they split one four ways? Third, could no one in this Vallejo school come up with a better description of these children's symptoms other than "flu-like"? We're sure they were dizzy and babbling about the last Trey show they saw, but "flu-like"?

PREVIOUSLY: Arrests Made in Union City Drug Brownie Case, And Yes, They Only Had Pot In Them, Fifth Graders Share a Medical Marijuana Snack