LITERARY: Bob Dylan's foremost interpreter, Greil Marcus, will read from his eponymous collection, Writings 1968-2010, compiled of dozens of pieces that are "the result of a more than forty-year engagement between an unparalleled singer and a uniquely acute listener." Listen to it streamed live if you can't make it!

7:30 p.m. // The Booksmith (1644 Haight St) // free

MUSIC: Australian percussionist Vanessa Tomlinson will perform her latest work, Banal, the Obvious, the Everyday, a series of manually operated installations using both site specific found objects and favorite sounds that travel from Australia, which are "more akin to wind playing a plastic bag, the ocean playing rocks..."

7:30 to 9:30 p.m. // Meridian Gallery (535 Powell St) // $5-10

WORKSHOP: Bay Area musician and self-taught luthier Mario deSio will teach you How to Build Electric and Acoustic Guitars, in which he shares his guitars (finished and in progress), tools, references, and experiences with the craft.

7 p.m. // Bazaar Cafe (5927 California St) // free (food/drink purchase appreciated)