The Chronicle writes that 29-year-old burglary suspect, Eric Miller, successfully passed himself off as a firefighter for a few hours yesterday morning at Firehouse 19 near Stonestown Galleria. It's suspected that he sneaked into the building at around 2 a.m., either when the firefighters were out on a call or asleep.

Miller used the station's workout facilities, helped himself to some cash, and sat on a couch watching TV while wearing a female firefighter's shorts and t-shirt, before he was found out for not understanding common firefighter lingo.

Apparently people help themselves to local fire station facilities a couple of times a year. So, if you're thinking about trying it, get your lingo down first. For example, Miller got found out for not knowing the phrase "You need a jump?" In other words, it means, "You want to go home early?" (Derived from jumping on an outgoing rig in place of the person who wants to go home early if the station gets a call.)