While the weather forecast "isn't calling for conditions that could trap smoke near the ground and result in unhealthy breathing conditions, " Bay Area Air Quality Management District is "making a pre-emptive strike" by requesting that you not burn wood over the holiday weekend.

"This is the time of year [when] many residents choose to burn wood in their fireplaces, but this creates unhealthy air both inside and outside the home," Bay Area Air Quality Management District Executive Officer Jack Broadbent said in a coal-stuffed statement. "We are asking residents to give the gift of clean air to their families and cut back on wood burning."


Conversely, you can watch the Holiday Log in Hi-Def on Christmas morning, which boasts a fiery crackling sound and music from Mariah Carey, Bruce Springsteen, Johnny Mathis, Bing Crosby (abuser!) and more. Tune in from 7 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on TV36.

[SF Appeal]