Matier & Ross have word that Joanna Rees, wealthy-ish venture capitalist and educator, will toss her adorable sweater set into the San Francisco mayoral ring. Part of her platform? Hot, hot, hot hyperlocalism. According to JoinJoanna, "This is going to be a campaign rooted in the neighborhoods. It's going to be a campaign of ideas — your ideas and mine. Over the next few months I'm going to be reaching out — and listening — in every neighborhood and every community of San Francisco."

Rees will run as a "progressive independent," whatever that means. Also: "I'm not part of the City Hall crowd," she declares

M&R go on to say that her "campaign team is being headed by Ace Smith and Sean Clegg, whose SCN Strategies is also running Mayor Gavin Newsom's campaign for lieutenant governor and District Attorney Kamala Harris' campaign for state attorney general, and is advising Sen. Barbara Boxer on her re-election drive."

So far, she is the only dame in the race.