Men's Health magazine, a fitness/softcore gay porn publication, has announced its official list of the best and worst cities in which to raise your little blessings. Basing their results on specific statistics -- i.e., accidental deaths, car-seat inspection locations, sex offenders, and abused-children protection -- San Francisco came in third place.
Here are the top 10 cities, at least according to Men's Health, where you should raise your offspring:
1. Madison, Wisc.
2. Honolulu, Hawaii
3. San Francisco, Calif.
4. Virginia Beach, Virg.
5. Spokane, Wash.
6. Providence, R.I.
7. Jersey City, N.J.
8. Colorado Springs, Colo.
9. Pittsburgh, Penn.
10. Burlington, Vt.
On the flip side, three California cities landed in the bottom when it came to least safe cities for kids: Bakersfield, Fresno, and Modesto. Jacksonville, Florida was labeled the absolute worst.
Hat tip: The Mommy Files