San Francisco is gearing up to marry people. But they need volunteers! Might you be one of them? SF Appeal reports, "Sometime in the next week or so, Judge Walker is expected to issue a very short ruling saying that the current hold on same sex marriage (called a 'stay') will either either remain in place through the appeal process (which could be many months), or will rule to lift it and allow same sex marriages to be performed in California." Which is to say, same-sex couples could get married (legally!) as soon as a few hours or a few weeks or a few months. But said ceremonies will have to be done fast before the 9th Circuit court reinforces the stay.

On his Facebook page, City Assessor-Recorder Phil Ting says, "We're getting ready to marry people in SF. If you want to volunteer, email [email protected] to help."

If you want to help, have at it.

Update: Phil Ting tells SFist, "We have enough volunteers to be deputy marriage commissioners who perform the marriages and processing the applications. We new volunteers to helps process the licenses."