WORKSHOP: Well, that looks pretty cool. Learn how to make your own cardboard synthesizer at the Outsound New Music Summit's How to Build Your Own Skatchbox Demo. San Francisco veteran instrument builder Tom Nunn and his co-conspirator David Michalak from TD Skatchit will show you how to do it using ordinary household tools.

7 to 9 p.m. // San Francisco Community Music Center (544 Capp St) // free

THEATER: Theater Pub presents a one-night only performance of a new translation of Ubu Roi, a morbidly comic spin on Macbeth, by the "godfather of absurdism," Alfred Jarry, which scandalized Parisian audiences to the point of rioting in 1896 when the play was first produced.

8 p.m. // Cafe Royale (800 Post) // free

TALK: At Investigating Cults, professional cult investigator, David Sullivan, will provide an overview of how cults recruit, convert, and maintain control of their members through a variety of psychologically coercive techniques.

4:45 p.m. // The Commonwealth Club (595 Market St, 2nd Fl) // $7-20