In the continuing saga of West and East: Civil War 2.0, Arizona immigrant law supporters have called for a boycott of California -- which is downright impossible; like God, the Golden State is everywhere, it is omnipotent -- and San Francisco.

SF Appeal reports: "Bridget Melson, founder of the Pleasanton Tea Party group, said she is calling on her members and other like-minded people to boycott San Francisco after Mayor Gavin Newsom and other city officials who condemned the law earlier this week."

Oh dear. This could very well mean an end to lucrative dollars pouring in from Pleasanton, an actual city we suspect of being somewhere in California, and not just the name of a BART train.

What's more, there will be a May Day rally at 24th and Mission on Saturday (one, if Mission Local proves correct, that might be littered with unfortunate "We Are All Arizona"/Todos Somos Arizona signage, which just isn't true, but... whatever) against SB 1070.

Insightful cynicism aside, Saturday will be an important May Day, one you should check out. More details about Saturday's festivities after the jump.