If you want to go to Coachella and for whatever reason haven't snatched some tickets, here's your chance. SFist is giving away one pair of Festival Passes to this year's event, taking place April 16th through 18th.

As usual, and because tickets are rather pricey, we're going to make you work for it. You must write a sparkling, whimsical and/or thought-provoking haiku in the comment section. Your haiku, however, must involve at least two of the following three words (which are nods to festival headliners): "muse," "soundsystem," "gorilla."

The contest ends tomorrow at 2 p.m., so don't delay. Also, be sure to count your syllables (five-seven-five pattern). Good luck and get ready to rock the hell out like never before! (If you win, that is.) Full contest details are below:

  • Enter the contest by making a comment on this post. Comments must fit the criteria, stated above.
  • Only one entry per person allowed. Haikus will be accepted through Friday, April 2nd, 2010 at 2:00:00 p.m.
  • One qualifying haiku will be selected by the SFist editors and the winner will be notified via the e-mail connected to their SFist.com login. The winners must confirm the receipt of the e-mail by 4:00:00 p.m., Friday, April 2nd, 2010 or the tickets will be released to another winner (we apologize for the quick turnaround time).
  • A pair of tickets will be held at an offsite will call location about 6 miles from the venue. The winner will be e-mailed directions & hours of pick up.

Remember: You can only enter once. If you post two or more haiku submissions, we will only consider your first entry.

Update: Contest closed

Update II: Contest winner in kate.