We shoved this in 'Day Around the Bay' yesterday, but it merits your attention today. See, a preliminary list noting the state's worst schools, which was unveiled yesterday, includes 12 San Francisco schools. The controversial list, according to SF Examiner, was "compiled by the state Department of Education as it attempts to grab federal stimulus dollars available for revamping the nation’s worst schools"

Out of 188 of the California's "persistently lowest-achieving schools," 47 schools are in the Bay Area, 12 of them right here in the city.

San Francisco schools making the list are:

- Willie L. Brown Jr. Elementary
- Bryant Elementary
- Cesar Chavez Elementary
- Everett Middle
- George Washington Carver Elementary
- Horace Mann Middle
- John Muir Elementary
- Paul Revere Elementary
- John O’Connell Alternative High*
- Mission High*
- Phillip and Sala Burton Academic High
- Thurgood Marshall High*

(* = "Schools could be removed or new ones added to final list coming out Thursday.")

State law, according to BCN (via CBS 5), "requires the listed schools to adopt severe reforms or shut down, but does not specify when."