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The spirited folks over at bring our attention to this video, one that chronicles last week's I-880 protest that resulted in the temporary closure of I-880 by 'Day of Action' protesters. Carrying a bizarre (and unfocused) banner reading "We Have Decided Not To Die" and chanting about class war, the young and attractive kids walked out onto I-880, stopped traffic, and, well, sat down.

And then? The riot police took over, "attacking" the mob of demonstrators blocking traffic. "The Oakland riot police swept in and without a call for dispersal started swinging batons and beating people before arresting them," reports (At 1:45 is where the fuzz starts the beat down.) 's more, a 19-year-old student, Francois Ziimany, suffered a fractured skull -- not due to police brutality, but after jumping to a tree from the elevated freeway in order to evade arresting officers. Anyway, watch for yourself to see what happened.