by Rachel Brodsky

As a John Cusack character once said, "The making of a great compilation tape, like breaking up, is hard to do and takes ages longer than it might seem." Regardless of how you might feel about High Fidelity, which trust me--is just as loved by music nerds as it is hated by others, Cusack's line remains pretty indisputable. Some might even argue that in the age of iTunes singles, and not CDs, that the mix-tape is a lost art form.

That said, the San Francisco Mixtape Society aims to breath new life into mix-making. Dubbing themselves "A mixtape club meets Secret Santa party," the Mixtape Society asks attendees to create a mixtape (or CD, or USB) based on a theme, and trade them with fellow mix-tapers. Not a bad way to meet fellow music nerds, while showing off your expert transition skills.

Interested? The Mixtape Society plans to meet this Sunday at the Make-Out Room for its inaugural gathering. This free event is open to all and invites attendees to conjure a mix based on the theme "Cities vs. Towns." In fact, I already predict that PJ Harvey's Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea and any song of Joy Division's will be dropped in accordingly.

What: San Francisco Mixtape Society
Where: Make-Out Room
When: Sunday, January 31 (4-6pm)
How Much: Free!