The Westboro Baptist Church (AKA the God Hates Fags sect) are out in full force at the Contemporary Jewish Museum today. Not satisfied loathing the queer community, they're now dipping their toes in the chilly waters of anti-Semitism. Charming.

They plan on taking their sanity-estranged protest to Twitter headquarters, located on Third Street next to Chevy's, later this afternoon. (Check out their entire schedule here.) The fine folks at Laughing Squid expertly explain what, exactly, the God Hatrs Fags mission is at @ev, @jack, and @biz's workplace: "here’s a rough Hatese-to-English translation: 'We are protesting at Twitters HQ to spread our core message: Crazytime 99 hate balloons unicorn puncher.'"

The most scandalous part of Westboro's 'Hate Tour SF' is this: "7:20-8:00 Golden Gate Theatre [Fiddler on Roof], 1 Taylor Street." How mean! It's impossible to hate a show like Fiddler. And yet? They somehow manage. We hope someone at the Golden Gate Theater will ensure the safety of national treasure Harvey Fierstein.

Also, SFist interviewed Westboro Baptist Church founder Pastor Fred Phelps in 2008 for his take on gay marriage. Shudder.