Polk Street corridor residents are fuming/titillated over an increase in prostitution affecting the notoriously gritty neighborhood as of late. CBS 5's Joe Vazquez has a great story on a new wave of hookers hitting the streets just as the bars close.

"It's a scene that is upsetting neighbors, which in turn has inspired police to begin stepping up enforcement on prostitution laws," said Vazquez. "Neighbors and police say they are concerned about what they're describing as a sharp increase of the number of sex workers walking the streets in the last several months."

San Francisco Police Inspector Steven Ravella claimed that many of the women/trannies are from out of town -- hailing "from other areas besides San Francisco [such as] Las Vegas, Los Angeles," said San Francisco Police Inspector Steven Ravella -- testing the street-walker market here in SF.

Many residents, however, are concerned about a return to a more violent Polk Street, where just two years ago, it seems, the neighborhood was rife with "pimp-on-pimp violence."

But what's wrong with the occasional rough-and-tumble urban aesthetic, you ask? Well, as Dawn Trennert of the Middle Polk Neighborhood Association explained CBS 5, "It's not a victimless crime ... The girls are the victims. Look at the wives who don't now what's going on. And God knows what they're bring home to her."