The annual week-long Litquake festival starts tonight, featuring a daunting line-up of events. Below is a list of our picks featuring one event per day (otherwise this post would take us all weekend). Check out SF Weekly, SF Appeal, and Mercury News for their highlights.

Black, White, and Read: Litquake’s Book Ball "Recession elegance, literary hijinks and smarty-pants schmooze." Attire is fabulous and mysterious, and masks adorned with the mugs of famous authors will be available at the door. 8 p.m. Green Room (above Herbst Theatre), 401 Van Ness Ave, (415) 392-4400, $19.99 includes one drink & nibbles, buy tickets.

Be Afraid! Evil Queens, Menacing Dykes, and Secret Gay Agendas Authors will discuss America's lingering fears of the "gay menace." 8 p.m., Joe’s Barbershop, 2150 Market St, (415) 255-9096, $5.

Literary North Beach Walking Tour Get acquainted with the lesser known literary figures of the Beat era, such as Rexroth and Watts, on a 60-90 minute tour through North Beach. 5 p.m., starts at the Beat Museum, 540 Broadway, free.