This man, whose name we believe is Bob, grew up in Vallejo and moved to San Francisco in 1979 to pursue his dreams of being a postal clerk and (possibly) becoming a liberated gay man. Bob now curates this awkward site of internet oddities, and appears quite put off by things like Roseanne Barr and bestiality. Rather than write his memoirs, Bob is vlogging them, and this 9-minute bit of YouTubery is a fine example of why oral histories are sometimes a bit more ramble-y than written ones. He describes the horrors of his first apartment -- a room in the cockroach infested SRO known as the Civic Center Hotel, which still stands today at Market and 12th Street -- and one has to wonder what irresistible joys this town had to offer which kept Bob living this "nightmare" for six straight months rather than at home with mom in Vallejo.