CBS5 reports that despite the California Department of Education's strict laws that sex education programs be medically accurate and objective, abstinence-only group Free to Be has been teaching their scientifically-inaccurate curriculum in Sonoma County Schools for the past seventeen years, up until this past May.

Robert Edmonds, a parent of a 12-year-old student, had signed up his son to take sex education, but was disturbed to find out that all he was learning was "abstinence-only-until-marriage." Edmonds took his complaints throughout the school chain of command and ended up filing a complaint with the California Department of Education via the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The schools were promptly told that sex ed programs must be comprehensive and include information about birth control, and therefore Free to Be is no longer free to be in the schools.

Free to Be leaders are currently looking into legal options for fighting the Department of Education, but it looks like their funding, which was over $4 million in federal grants during the past five years, will soon run dry, thanks to Obama cutting abstinence-only-until-marriage education in his proposed budget for 2010.