ART: Tyson Ayers, a Bay Area music composer, instrument builder, and multimedia installation and performance artist, presents the Sound Cave, a small room built out of piano parts. When someone crawls inside, the strings on the walls capture any sounds the person creates and echoes them back for long periods of time. "Each sound board is tuned according to various scientific and sound healing principles with the intention of positively affecting a participant's mind, body, and spirit."

7 to 11 p.m. // Million Fishes Gallery (2501 Bryant St) // free

FUNDRAISER: The Precita Eyes Muralists is having an Urban Youth Arts Gallery Fundraiser to help with the cost of the 13th annual Urban Youth Arts Festival, in which youth and families participate in traditional as well as aerosol painting and other hands-on community art activities. The fundraiser will be showcasing the artwork of the Urban Youth Arts Program.

5:30 to 9:30 p.m. // Galeria de la Raza (2957 24th St) // $5-20, sliding scales

DANCE: In SCUBA, ODC Theater Artist in Residence, Katie Faulkner pairs off with Chris Schlichting, who hails from the Twin Cities for an evening of dance exploring family, personal relationships, absence and fantasy. "Schlichting’s gender role-messing choreographic fantasy built and de-constructed from 1970s Americana" contrasts with "Faulkner’s lilting and carefully wrought presentations which will include a reprise of the memorable The Road Ahead, first performed during Litquake, 2008." There will be an informal artists talk after the show.

8 p.m. // ODC Dance Commons (351 Shotwell St) // $15-18