The Appeal has a searing new feature called "What's Bothering Michael Petrelis Now?," filling readers in on what's pissing off San Francisco's most important always-present/entertaining queer activist. This time around, Petrelis had a bone to pick with the 2009 Homosexual Pride Guide, which, we hear, is heavy on the Anglo-Saxon love.

Check it:

Pick up a copy of the "official magazine of InterPride 2009" littering many San Francisco and other cities' watering holes, then get a good pair of strong sunglasses to wear while reading it. It's so white, the glare may blind LGBT readers.

But wait, it gets better. Petrelis breaks down the magazine's photos by race. This year's guide to Poofdom Pride goes something like this: 68 images featuring white folks; 5 pictures of a very black President Obama; 1 photo of dead, gay, black man James Baldwin; 1 man of questionable Hispanic heritage; and 0 images of Asian Americans, Native Americans, Transgender people (what, no Donna Sachet? Impossible), Ivory Coast natives, Samoans or Andorrans (or Andorians, for that matter.)

Silliness aside, he does have a point, doesn't he?