Back in March, SF Supervisor Bevan Dufty (who, if casual rumors come to fruition, might be your next candidate fr mayor) was up in arms, and rightfully so. Why? Because he demanded to see an account of how money was spent on Muni. See, SF cops are supposed to ride Muni buses at least once per shift. But: he hadn't seen an officer on a bus in ages. “I have not had a single Muni rider tell me that they have seen an officer on a vehicle,” Dufty says. “I just think it’s unacceptable.”

Come to think of it, neither have we. Even though this work order is costing the city millions, we haven't seen a copper on a bus in, well, forever.

Anyway, Dufty planned another special followup meeting today. He will, once again, speak out about this issue around 1:30 p.m.-ish, concerned that other city agencies (i.e., SFPD) are aiding Muni's budget and leaving it broke. Fingers crossed.<