We asked you to decide on what Bay Area institution you would like to see die in 2009, and you overwhelmingly chose the Church of Scientology to go bye-bye. (Please don't kill us, L. Ron followers.)

The top five results:

1) Church of Scientology: 189 votes
2) Cafe Gratitude: 61
3) Medjool: 55
4) Yelp: 51
5) Plumpjack: 41

An astounding 17 of you voted to get rid of Taco Bell, to which we say: Where is that damn Wendy's we were promised? And we hope they erect 17 fast food chains in front of your apartments. Hrump.

Also, the bottom two were All-Star Donuts and St. Francis Fountain, which, in the end, makes them the real winners.

(For a comprehensive list of the voting results, follow the jump.)