THEATER: One of "the planet’s funniest postmodern clowns," Moshe Cohen, brings his new show, infused with Noh and Kyogen theatrical elements, back home to San Francisco. It's called "Mr. YooWho’s Holiday" and it sounds quite festive. The New York Times says "His Indian Name would be Dances With Penguins." -- which is some sort of East Coast joke we don't entirely get, but... there you have it.

7 p.m. // NOHspace (in the Project Artaud, 2840 Mariposa Street) // $10-$15

CLUB: Rare electro -- stemming from Detroit, Chicago, Italo genres -- acid house, freestyle, and more fill Chinatown and the joyously-sounding "Crazy Electronic Dance Party" (SFBG's homepage has more on it.)

9:30 p.m. // Li Po Lounge (916 Grant) // $3