Under the false impression that Melanie Morgan doesn't already have enough ammunition, the fruit-and-nut granola bar that is the Berkeley City Council will vote today on whether to demand the U.S. government charge Berkeley resident, UC Berkeley Boalt Hall School tenured professor, and former Bush adviser John Yoo with war crimes.

This all stems from a 2002 that Yoo drafted that provided "the legal basis to justify torture in interrogating terrorism suspects." Yoo argued "that habeas corpus and other legal protections don't apply to CIA detainees because Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib are not on U.S. soil."

The measures attacking him also wants some sort of deal that would allow Boalt students - ones who disagree with Yoo - to be able to take alternative courses.

This, of course, is insane. And not all council members agree.

"This measure seems to fly in the face of a good liberal arts education," says Councilman Laurie Capitelli. Also, according to the Clog, no student is forced to take his courses.

This makes the 574286739th time the Berkeley City Council has dipped its toes in national policy.