While it seems too sugary to be true - and we doubt it is - this story has touched our cold, selfish hearts. See, Muni Diaries has a story of fate and romance that will have you believing in the magical powers of public transportation again.

OK, not really. But this allegedly true story, told by Muni rider Daniel Seraph, happened on a cable car way back when residents used to ride them. Seraph recounts what he heard the the car's driver tell a passenger - using the driver's voice - which might make you believe in love all over again.

Did you see that lady back there with that child? Well, years ago when I was driving this same cable car, a woman pushing a baby carriage was riding in my car. She got off the cable car but somehow the cable car started moving with the baby still onboard! She chased after the cable car but she wasn’t fast enough. So she flagged someone down to give her a ride to chase after this cable car. Finally she got me to stop and she was reunited with her child. Well this woman and I became friends, and her baby girl - the one who was left in my cable car - grew up and ended up marrying my son. And that little kid with her just now? That’s my grandchild.

Anyone else hear about this story? Because we smell romcom smash in the making.