Fox News anchor Shepard Smith interviewed crazy old man Ralph Nader the other night, chatting about, among other things, labeling President elect Barack Obama an "Uncle Tom."


A terse Smith tsk-tsk'd Nader, asking him if he wanted to take it back. (Not at all, replied Nader.) And, like, if you manage to offend a Fox News personality's delicate racial sensitivities, then, well, you screwed up. Oh, and Tim Goodman reads Nader to filth on his word choice, which we highly recommend you checking out. (We do like our Goodman ornery and livid.)

Makes you wonder what Matt Gonzalez has to say about this?

Anyway, be sure to look for more of these cheap shots over the next four years when the Obama administration manages to upset ne'er-do-wells and the politically-charged. Alas.