Meaning: Be prepared and save your resources until they are needed.

Origin: The allusion is to gunpowder which soldiers had to keep dry in order to be ready to fight when required.

OK, it has been reported by the NFL Network that the 49ers may offer a position to Secretary Of State Condoleezza Rice

One high-ranking 49ers official said last week, “If she’s interested in talking to us, I’m interested in talking to her.” Rice has told friends as recently as last week she would love to become president of an NFL team.

Should this rumor develop into an actual possibility, you'd best be that we'll unleash a fusillade of withering criticism at the current all-measurable-results-are-failure York family 49er ownership for offering a job to an all-measurable-results-are-failure war criminal. For the Yorks to make such an insane business move... the thought almost defeats all irony. This simply can't be.

Or, perhaps it'd be a perfect match: at best, Ms. Rice is inept, allowing herself to be blinded by her own preconceptions, and in following her preconceptions, she has horribly injured the United States Of America. At worst, she's a liar, who ineptly attempted to craft reality to her own preconceptions and failed, horribly injuring the United States Of America.

Either way -- her record of stubbornness in the face of facts, obfuscation, avoidance of consensus, lack of care for the people she was tasked to represent, and overall results of abject failure make her a perfect candidate for these York-owned 49ers based on all of the post-Mooch decisions that Dr. York has made.


Not to mention the fact that she's a Broncos fan!

Let this only be a rumor. Please.

The 49ers should be retiring Jerry Rice's jersey, not offering the specific personage of failure that is Condoleezza Rice any sort of of job in any capacity ever. Ever.

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