He's on the U.S. Men's Volleyball team that's playing for a gold medal on Sunday... and he shoots up using needles at least four times a day! The shooting up part is a result of Stanford alum Kevin Hansen's being diagnosed with Type I diabetes at age 10. The playing for a gold medal part is the result of this morning's upset victory over Russia in the medal qualifying match. Kevin and his merry crew of handsome v-ballers have yet to lose a game in the Beijing olympics, and they'll try to complete the sweep Sunday against the also formidably handsome Brazilian team.

But it hasn't all been wine, roses, and syringes for the boys -- the day after the olympic Opening Ceremony, their coach's father-in-law was randomly stabbed and murdered while sightseeing in Beijing. The mother-in-law survived, but is in critical condition. The coach has rejoined the team, no word on whether the Guardian Angels plan to begin walking the streets of Beijing.