For one thing, we've got so many azns in this city that it's kind of cheating to even put them on the card. And although we long to see a rcrd hat in the wild, it's never actually happened. And alt bros start to smear into fggts after they've been here a few months, so they don't deserve two different boxes.

So what would you abort/retry/ignore for an SF hipster bingo card? A bag from Bi-Rite Creamery? One of those big old-fashioned bike hlmts? Tumblr? Knitting a hat in Dolores Park? Striped shoes? Corgis? Walnuts? Seriously, we have no idea. You tell us.

Just think back to your last trip down Valencia and start listing accessories. (Or flip through some of Vice Magazine's from a year and a half ago.) We'll compile the best comments onto an SF-localized card. Yay bingo!
