While the first and only gay marriage will happen tonight in a private ceremony (read: VIP photo-op) at City Hall, the San Francisco's clerk's office will open at 8 a.m. tomorrow and remain open for wedded bliss until 8 p.m. (Also, the office will open Saturday, June 28, but can only issue up to 250 licenses and conduct 500 marriages each day, according to the Chronicle. The fee for a marriage license, by the way, is $89, and a ceremony costs $67. Whoa.)

Oh, and the Chroncile's Wyatt Buchanan has a handy list detailing the places in each county where you gays can get married. Check it out here.

But before anything, before you sign your life away to someone else? Sign a prenuptial agreement. Why? Seeing as how many of you are, understandably, rushing into bliss tomorrow, a little forethought will come in handy when your husband decides to leave you for the hot, much younger third-party you woefully introduced into your scene of holy matrimony to spice things up. Go here for legal assistance.