Although the Presidio Trust and park officials support the plan, the Presidio Historical Association is opposing the plan. Problems include traffic problems for the Presidio/Cow Hollow and not preserving the "feel" of the Presidio (read: the museum will totally bulldoze through anything Presidio-like). The whole thing gets all Dynasty-ish though, since those opposed to the plan believe Fisher will easily get the museum approved since he "once served on the trust's board and has the ear of nearly every powerful person in the city."

Alternative sites for the museum have been proposed since (from what we've heard) Fisher's art collection is quite swell; Fisher, however, insists that the Presidio main post is the only site for his museum. Well then!

Those concerned about the total overhaul of the Presidio can still have their voice heard until July and leave an all-powerful comment at SFGate or with us. So: you want this museum or what? What we'd really like to see is a Gap store added in there somewhere. Or a Banana Republic.

Photo by Peter Kaminski.