Suspiciously littered around SFist HQ near South Park, these flyers (featuring a mysterious 515 area code from some far off land called "Austin, Texas" "Des Moines, Iowa") have been tacked up to lampposts and sides of buildings for the past two weeks.

What happens when you call the number? Well, not much. We punched the flyer's digits. Here's what happened: the male-voice recording at the other end thanked us for calling Songnumbers (google it yourselves), claimed to be "sponsored by Chevrolet," and amont other things, asked if we wanted to hear a "hardcore rap song" about LOLCAT. (We declined.) So... there you have it. Ta-da.

Unless of course it's all a part of some larger joke or meme we're just not getting. In which case: huh? Anyway, now you know. Sleep easy, SF.