Yes. It's true. Some people keep large amounts of bees in San Francisco. Well, at least one does that we know of: Jon Rolston. And after our beebie-jeebies subsided--because, really?!--Matt Fisher's amazing mini-documentary on Current TV about Jon and his honeybees is fascinating. He just...has a beekeeping operation in the backyard of his Victorian apartment. (We especially love how he didn't ask his neighbor's permission because they speak a different language. Very San Francisco.) Ack.

Anyway, we're absolutely fascinated by this Rolston man. Also, in which neighborhood do you think he lives? Because, no offense, we don't want to visit it although we're thrilled he's out there in SF with his buzzing hive. Also plus, we're an apologetic NIMBY on the issue of urban beekeeping. Bees are scary.