MUSIC: Oy! A Jewish Music Festival? In a goyim neighborhood? Yes! Hayes Valley hosts part of the "23rd Annual Jewish Music Festival," featuring New York City's Golem ("This is not your father's Klezmer band ... unless your father was Sid Vicious," cheers !) and Lord Loves a Working Man ("These men pour their hearts out in songs that make audience members alternately work up a sweat and hold each other very, very close," well-crafts SF Weekly!) Will there be Fanny Brice covers? Find out tonight at the Rickshaw Stop.

9 p.m. // Rickshaw Stop (155 Fell) // $18

FILM: Artists' Television Access' Revival House Queer Cinema screens James Bidgood's Pink Narcissus (1971). It's a film about a gaggle of young twink whores, erotic poetry, pink-colored dream-like squences, stuff like that. Practically every queer theory student or gender studies PhD candidate has masturbated ad nauseum in term papers and graduate seminars over this movie. Gay intelligesia aside, Pink Narcissus is a surprisingly entertaining and gorgeous movie.

8 p.m. // Artists' Television Access (992 Valencia) // $6

Jewish Week