Apparently, they were drunk for the very first time, and it was most likely their first protest as well. One poor young woman was wearing black stilettos. That's hard-core, honey.

When they first embarked, a particularly rough bus passenger asked one of the drunk kids, "How was it?"
"It was aweeeeesommme."
"Did it work? Is it over?"
"Yep, it's over."
"The War's over?" (we all laughed)

Other notable quotes were:
"I love being drunk." (or something like that)
"I love going to the gym after I've been drinking" (directed to a guy whom we saw head into 24 Hour Fitness afterwards).
"Drinking's so fun."

The climax was when another boy lost his balance and fell across the entire front of the bus and onto his skinny butt. Luckily, he didn't get his pristine white leather slippers dirty. Party on, baby drunks protesters!