Sure, we've gone onto Craigslist for our apartment hunting and job search needs, but not for anything as illegal as finding a hitman. Ann Marie Liscott from Michigan is accused of placing an ad in the Sacramento Craigslist for some "freelance" work involving killing the wife of a man she was reportedly having an affair with. Linscott and the man met through an online class together two years ago and met in person twice.

According to the Gate, last November, "Linscott offered $5,000 [and] had the name and work address of the woman she wanted dead." Linscott only offered details of the job to those who e-mailed inquiries after the job, one of whom most likely tipped off the police.

Craigslist readers are very vigilant, but that doesn't mean violence hasn't happened through Craigslist before. Keep watching out for your digital--and actual--neighbors and hopefully we can keep more (advertised) crime from occurring.