Rope Burn by Still Flyin' (directed by Isobel Knowles)

  • Still Flyin': Not to knock (heh) its former incarnation, the Odeon, but we love the Knockout. From obscure DJ nights to live bands, this nightclub seems to pull it off minus any affectation -- a difficult feat for any artsy venue to accomplish. Tonight head over to the Outer Mission spot and catch beloved San Francisco-based supergroup Still Flyin', along with rock-ish outfits Yellow Fever and the OhSees, as they bring down the house starting at 9 p.m. at the Knockout; $5.
  • Woman in Hiding (1950) & Jeopardy (1953): The Castro Theatre's "Noir City" fest -- featuring dark, shadow-stricken crime dramas from the '40s and '50s -- continues. First, Woman in Hiding has Ida Lupino playing "a successful career woman who marries Mr. Wrong and finds herself desperately trying to evade his plans to dispose of her and take over the business." Yikes! Sounds like he needs a bullet or three to the brain. Then, Jeopardy showcases film noir regular Barbara Stanwyck taking a Mexican vacation that goes horribly awry. Oh noes! Will she live? Find out tonight as the drama unfolds at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m., respectively, at the Castro Theatre; $6-9.
  • Trivia Night at the Inner Mission: Just like it says, folks. Trivia night! in the Inner Mission! At a (mixed) bar! Starts at 7:30 p.m. at Inner Mission Beer Parlor; free.