This year's abortion bash, Walk for Life-West Coast, will take place tomorrow, Jan 19, on the lawn area of Justin Herman Plaza down by the Embarcadero from 10:30 a..m. to 1:30 p.m. And we can't wait! What are you going to wear? We're going to sport our beaver fur-trimmed coat, because...well, we're sure there's a smug murder joke in there somewhere. But if you're able to get up that early on a Saturday morning, you all should head down to the Embarcadero to voice your support and/or disdain. (Why this can't be settled with a pillow fight is beyond us.)

And if dictating what women should do with vaginas doesn't whet your appetite, loopy "reformed murderer" Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King Jr., might sweeten the honey pot. It seems that she will on-hand to speak out about her anti-abortionness. Although King is already here today spreading sunshine all over the place at women's clinic in Oakland, tomorrow you'll get to hear her drop pearls of wisdom her mouth. To wit:

By contrast, Alveda King, a niece of Martin Luther King Jr., calls herself a "reformed murderer" for undergoing two abortions when she was young.

Now an outspoken anti-abortion campaigner, King says the best way to reduce abortions among black women is to dissuade more of them from premarital sex.

"We give free sex education, free condoms, free birth control," she complained. "That's almost like permission to have free sex, and the higher the rate of sexual activity, the higher the rate of unintended pregnancy."

(The aforementioned AP article also brings the always interesting aspect of race into the abortion fold. So interesting that we're going to stay as far away from it that as possible. See that dot over on the horizon? That's us.)

No word yet as to whether or not Deborah Barone will gather with the flock to help celebrate the 35th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, but we hope so. Because: God, we love us some Deborah Barone. Even if she allegedly thinks that we deserve to fry in the eighth circle of hell. Anyway, see you at the party.