-- Aimee Mann's Second Annual Christmas Show: Paul F. Tompkins, Sean Hayes, Chuck Prophet, and Morgan Murphy join the delightfully blond songstress for a night of holiday warm fuzzies. Because X-Mas is coming and there's no way around it, come catch this wonderful singer/songwriter during the, um, recording-a-holiday-album period of her career. Show starts at 8 p.m. at Bimbo's 365; $35.50.

-- Margot at the Wedding: Fantastic movie. Just great. And whatever. It totally had an ending -- and a fitting one at that. Many critics claim otherwise, but it was a satisfying touch at the end. And we recommend seeing the late-late showing without the crowd. Whether he's being funny or not, Embarcadero audiences won't stop laughing when Jack Black appears on the screen. Annoying. Shows tonight at 6:40p, 7:45, and 10:10 at the Embarcadero Center Cinema; $7.50-10.

-- The Windy City Gentleman, Snakeleg Sideshow, and Sassy: Guess what kind of rock these bands play? If you said "indie with Bossa nova, garage, and pop notes," then you're a winner. Another winner? Sassy. Because who wouldn't want to be named after one of the greatest publications of all time? (Well, except most every single guy we know.) The music starts at 9 p.m. at the Elbo Room; $5.