Want to know why there's no Thanksgiving card from grandma in your mailbox today? Because it's Veterans Day. (Or because she's dead, Timmy.) While Bush pretended to be sad about it in Texas today -- "Not on my watch," chump? Bite it. Hard -- we thought of a recent veteran who died over the weekend, Mr. Norman Mailer. (He was a cook during WWII. How awesome is that? Well, we think it is.)

Although he played an important part in the American canon -- with such testosterone-y works as The Naked and the Dead, The Executioner's Song, and Marilyn -- and won loads of awards, most importantly he also made a cameo on Gilmore Girls' sublime fifth season, appearing in the episode where Sookie finds out she's pregnant. (Again, we repeat, how awesome is that? Well, we think it is.) Peace out, Norman. Peace out.