Okay, like, people thousands and thousands of years ago, or whatever, totally died in wars and stuff so you all could have the chance to rock the vote. And like, you know, now none of you can even take a few minutes out of your busy lives, because you're all busy drinking your soy lattes, driving your Hummer Mercedes coupes, and stuff like that. And women and black people or whatever just got the chance to vote in the 1980s, okay. You're all American citizens and should so know better,you know. Way better. If you don't vote tomorrow you deserved to be totally shot to death. For reals, you guys.

Anyway, the real story here is that it's an uninteresting race, sure; but that that shouldn't matter. With Gavin Newsom running unopposed in the minds of many a San Franciscan, the city sheriff having no serious challengers, and the district attorney running unopposed, we can see why. And according to Alex Clemens in today's Examiner (AP), "[w[]"ithout a good fight at hand, a lot of people are worried that many San Franciscans will opt out of the process and just go to work instead." (That what they want you to believe, man! Wheels within wheels.)

And although we've bitched about this overall lackluster race -- like many other print publications and other blogs already have -- if we remember our '70s film lexicon correctly, elections and politics shouldn't be ripe with entertainment value. Isn't something supposed to be wrong if you are that interested? (The same can be said for political satire.) That's why we have Hollywood -- beautiful, caring Hollywood.

Happy election eve, folks. Check back here tonight for a smattering of Oscar election picks, and any reported shirtless-Quintin or moustache-free Chicken John sightings.