We have incredibly exciting news about bus shelters! The city just reached an agreement with Clear Channel, your favorite company, to provide bus shelters and advertising and revenue. It's a complicated relationship, and totally boring -- like, alt-weekly-level boring -- but here's what it all means to you, the common man on the street:

- New shelters will speak NextMuni information out loud, will have a beacon for waiting passengers to notify approaching vehicles, will contain recycled and sustainable materials, will be solar-powered, and are supposedly graffiti-resistant, which we'll believe when we see.

- 3,000 bus poles with solar-powered signs will be installed at transit stops where there are no shelters within seven years from the date the designs are approved.

- At Muni's request, Clear Channel is required to provide a self-sustaining Bicycle-Sharing Program. It can be provided by a different vendor if Clear Channel can't get it going.

- Clear Channel may install an additional 400 shelters and 111 kiosks.

- Clear Channel will pay $5,000,000 up front, then annual payments of $500,000 in admin fees, $200,000 in marketing fees, and $265,000 for the Arts Commission. Revenue sharing will be 55% for the first 15 years.

So ... whaddya think about that bike-sharing dealio?